Meriden Adult, Continuing & Career Education

Diploma Programs

There are two ways you can earn your High School diploma at Meriden Adult Education. Students may enter either program if they are officially withdrawn from school. No diploma can be awarded before the student's regular high school class graduation date. Talk to a guidance counselor to see which way is best for you.

General Education Development Diploma (GED®) Preparation

GED® Preparation classes are available in reasoning through language arts, literature, mathematics, social studies and science. Call 203-237-0602 for schedule and locations. All applicants are urged to take the GED® Practice Examination to discover any areas where they may benefit from free GED® Preparation classes. Spanish GED® Preparation is available online.  Call 203-237-0602 for more information.

Accommodations for the GED® Test are available for qualified individuals with a disability. For more information, contact the Guidance Counselor at 203-237-0602 ext 2806.

  • Registration:  Fall 2024  August 19th-30th
  • Classes begin: Week of September 9, 2024
  • Class location and hours: Monday-Friday from 9am-12pm (Virtually) or Monday-Thursday 5pm-8pm at Maloney High School (121 Gravel Street)

How to Apply for the official GED® exam:

  • Applications for the GED® exam are available at the College and Career Readiness Center, 191 Pratt Street. The office is open Monday~Thursday from 8 am to12 pm and Friday from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm.
  • You must apply in person with a photo ID. (Please call office first for appointment) There is a $13.00 application fee (cashier's check or money order only) for persons 21 years and older (veterans and individuals under 21 are exempt). Proof of age and Connecticut residency must be presented.
  • Homeschooled applicants must create an account at and take the official practice test. You will need an up-to-date picture ID and original Intent to Homeschool Form from the local school district. Contact the State Department of Education GED office at 860-807-2111 and request an Attestation FormSigned by the General Education Development Administrator.
    IMPORTANT NOTICE:  As of January 2021, the State of Connecticut requires that a student must take and pass a subject's practice test before registering and taking that subject's test.  Example: Student takes an English practice test and passes.  That student will be able to take the official GED® test in the English subject. If student takes a practice test in a subject and did not pass, student can not take the official test in that subject    You must make an account on before registering for practice or official GED® testing. 

High School Credit Diploma

Free classes are available to adults, age 17 and older, who are officially withdrawn from school. Graduates of this program earn a Meriden Board of Education Diploma. students wishing to obtain a Meriden High School Diploma may take classes in the  evening. Options for earning credit include scheduled class time and on-line courses. Counselors are available to assist in developing a schedule to suit each student's individual needs. Career, educational and personal counseling services are available. For more information call 203-237-0602 ext. 2806.

Twenty five credits are needed for graduation. Students may transfer credits from any accredited public, private or parochial school. Credit for formal, documented training from the military or industry is available.

  • Location: Maloney High School @ 121 Gravel Street
    • Registration:  Fall 2024  August 19th-30th
    • Classes begin: Week of September 9, 2024

How to Register:

  • Bring an up-to-date photo ID and official transcript.
  • If you are of 17-18 years of age, you must also have  a parental consent form and withdrawal form
  • If you are over 18-21 years of age, you must have a withdrawal form
  • Homeschooled applicants must also bring an original Intent to Homeschool Form from the local school district and a withdrawal form from the local school district.
  • All students will take testing in reading and math in the beginning of the semester